
“Very Good.”

“Very Good.”

"Spiritual direction is about rediscovering the 'very good' in yourself and in others that God saw in the beginning and still sees even now. ~ Gayle

Hurting places.

Hurting places.

Spiritual direction is about attending to the hurting places, touching them with Love, and allowing them to dissolve in Love. ~ Gayle

Listening deeply.

Listening deeply.

Spiritual direction is listening for God in others, listening deeply, below the surface, to hear and understand the ways in which people make meaning, engage their world, and struggle with their faith. ~ Adapted from Keith Anderson

Being with one another.

Being with one another.

Spiritual direction is a way of being with one another and with God that is relational and that draws from deep wells of real life experiences and interaction with the Holy Spirit. ~ Gayle

The great unfixables.

The great unfixables.

True spiritual direction is about the great unfixables in human life. It's about the mystery of moving through time. It's about mortality. It's about love. It's about things that can't be fixed. ~ Parker J. Palmer

Wow! Thanks for swimming around my little blog. I'm awestruck!

Okay so here's the deal. There's no pressure. My blog is all about meeting God just as you are right where you are. Full of doubt; without a doubt. Raised fist or raised glass. Flip flops or stilettos. You are welcome!

I'm thrilled we're taking this journey together!


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